Taking Your Business to the Next Level
Training and Sustainability Management

Bringing Sustainability Down To Earth
There is growing awareness that we must do a better job of taking care of the world around us. We are beginning to wake up to what we might be dumping on our children, grandchildren, and those beyond. Our insatiable appetite to consume all Earth offers is rapidly depriving future generations of the choices that should be theirs to make. Some of us are also beginning to realize that we cannot turn it around overnight. There is a wonderful old Chinese proverb that tells us if "we want to move a mountain, we should start with a few stones at a time".
If we are to start with a few stones, our efforts to sustain our world will require careful management. Which stones do we move first? How far can we move them? Whom will we ask to help us move those stones? How much will it cost? Managing sustainability could very well be the greatest challenge of our lifetime, of any lifetime. We are asking people to seriously consider the way they live—and change it. Sustainability management requires a major focus on the key role people play in making sustainability happen. Changing the behavior of many demands' strong leadership. That leadership needs to be backed by a solid knowledge base, the ability to make key judgment calls, effective communication skills, and a command of issues vital to the organization and to a sustainable world.